Poslovna zgrada u Nišu

On request
100% Ownership
Type of real estate/project
For sale/Rent
Entire property/project
Ownership structure
One owner 100%
The real estate is vacant
Financial details
Price: On request
Income: On request
Profit: On request
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1,227 m2 neto i 1,343 m2 bruto površine

Poslovna zgrada se nalazi na izuzetnoj lokaciji u širem centru Niša, spratnosti SUT+PR+2 sprata. Zgrada je izgrađena 2009.godine i nalazi se u izvorom stanju.

Zgrada nema parking ali postoji javni parking za minimum 20 vozila u okolini zgrade

1,227 sqm net and 1,343 sqm gross surface

The office building is located in an exceptional location in the wider center of Nis, structured as basement + ground floor + 2 floors. The building was built in 2009 and is in good condition.

No parking, there is a free public parking around the building for at least 20 cars